A memorandum of cooperation was signed between Basisbank and the Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG), which provides for the strengthening of social enterprises operating in Georgia and the promotion of the concept of social entrepreneurship by Basisbank through financial and technical support mechanisms.
CSRDG has been implementing a social entrepreneurship development program since 2009. One of the priority components of the memorandum of cooperation between Basisbank and CSRDG is to support and strengthen the social enterprise of labor integration of people with disabilities and special needs.
The Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia, in cooperation with Basisbank, announces a competition for a grant to strengthen existing social enterprises, which aims at the economic and social integration of people with disabilities and special needs into society, by expanding their access to employment and education.
Detailed information about the grant competition is available on the CSRDG website https://www.segeorgia.org/ge/news/basisbankcsrdggrant